Give new smiles. Save lives every month.

When a child is born with a cleft condition, it affects their health and self-confidence, and it can even threaten their life.

Your monthly support of $20, $30, $40 or any amount will provide cleft surgeries and care that saves and transforms lives. Your monthly support is the best way to have the most impact for children like Keni by providing surgeries on an ongoing basis. Join our most dedicated group of supporters - give monthly today.

Your monthly support has lasting impact by creating:

  • New lives of restored dignity and pride
  • New futures filled with promise and potential
  • New opportunities for health and well-being

Give new smiles. Save lives every month.

When a child is born with a cleft condition, it affects their health and self-confidence, and it can even threaten their life.

Your monthly support of $20, $30, $40 or any amount will provide cleft surgeries and care that saves and transforms lives. Your monthly support is the best way to have the most impact for children like Keni by providing surgeries on an ongoing basis. Join our most dedicated group of supporters - give monthly today.

Your monthly support has lasting impact by creating:

  • New lives of restored dignity and pride
  • New futures filled with promise and potential
  • New opportunities for health and well-being

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  • Discover
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