
5 North Inc.

5 North Inc.


0 percent of goal achieved.

Fundraising Goal $10,000.00

5 North is dedicated to raising money for such an amazing cause and has been for many years. We think that it is such a great philanthropy that does so much good in this world. We are trying to raise as much money as possible but we're aiming to raise 10,000+ dollars in 2015. We hold monthly fundraisers in New York city to contribute. If you have any fundraising ideas or any items we can use in a raffle let us know. It is a team effort and everyone can help out!


Together, We Can Change Lives

Operation Smile mobilizes a world of generous hearts to heal children’s smiles and transform lives across the globe. Operation Smile’s network of volunteers works worldwide to repair childhood facial deformities including cleft lips and cleft palates.

I hope you'll help me bring hope and new smiles to children suffering from facial deformities.

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A gift made through this appeal represents a gift to the entire Operation Smile mission. To help the most children, we use your gift where it can do the most good by pooling it with the gifts of others.