
Mary Biscoe

We all know that excess weight is bad for us. We also all know that trying to lose extra weight is generally a difficult and un-rewarding proposition...and one that doesn't work. Six months from now most of the lost weight will be "back home".

What can we do about it? Is there a way to lose weight effectively and keep it off? Yes, there is a way...but only one. Simply stated,the key is to learn the proper foods to eat and the appropriate amounts.

The bottom line of weight loss is to take in fewer calories than we burn up. Easier said than done according to most dieters. It shouldn't be that way though. Your food intake (or lack thereof) should not take on a life of its own.

Incorporate a few simple steps into a "normal" way of eating and I promise you will lose the weight, keep it off, and feel totally satisfied, and not hungry.

Here's how:

Ask your physician, nurse, or dietitian to calculate your BMI and take your waist measurement and then to provide you with a caloric "goal" for each day.

Wes Virgin Fat Diminisher Review http://www.jennreviews.com/fat-diminisher
Fat Diminisher System http://www.streetinsider.com/SI+Newswire/Fat+Diminisher+-+UPDATED+Review+Of+Wesley+Virgins+New+Weight+Loss+System/10878035.html

Once you know how many calories you can have in a day, plan for three regular means and healthful snacks for mid-morning and mid-afternoon.

.Here's that list of easy tips for you. For the most part, you can eat the same foods you have been eating; but,

- Reduce your portions of food by one-third to one-half. Studies show that we are eating two, and even three, times the amount of food we need. (Do try to lower your intake of saturated fats though. They contribute to heart disease and stroke. Besides, they're higher in calories than foods with lower fat content).

- Get a little extra exercise by throwing sugar-sweetened beverages as far away from you as you can (they're nasty, useless calories...nothing else).

- Eliminate "mindless" eating. In other words, when you eat, eat. Don't multi-task and munch at the same time. You won't even enjoy the food and you will lose track of how much you're eating.

- For the same reason, no munchies during movies or TV...do one or the other, but not both at the same time.

- Try to reconnect with your hunger-full gauge. We've lost track of this innate clue which tells us when to eat and when to stop eating.

- Pay attention before you eat anything...are you really hungry or are

you eating out of habit?

- Eat slowly because it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to register "fullness". If you eat too fast you will have consumed many more calories than you actually need...or even want.

- Load your refrigerator and cabinets with "friendly" snacks...pre- washed and cut fruits and veggies, chunks of reduced-fat cheese, lightly salted nuts, skim or fat-free milk, whole wheat breads and crackers, air-popped corn seasoned with dill or Italian herbs). Know that we eat the way we eat out of habit more than anything else. We can continue to do that...but we can't lose weight also.

- Incorporate an attitude of movement into your daily life. Use stairs instead of the elevator, park at a distant point in the lot, walk after lunch and dinner, play with the dog, play with the cat, play with the kids, join a community volley-ball or softball team, climb the stairway in your home several times per day, take 10 minutes at a time on the treadmill throughout the day, window shop at the mall...be creative. There are many things you can do if you set your mind to it.

- Keep a positive attitude. The weight didn't gather overnight and it won't depart over night. However, 6 months or a year is going to pass whether you are dieting or not. You might just as well give the pounds a boot while your living your day-to-day life!

Some simple tips to lose weight quickly. AND if you're serious, I'll help you.

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